June 3rd-June7th
K-5th Grade Welcome
Introducing VBS Parent Nights
Parents are invited to join us for refreshments and informational seminars on Tuesday and Thursday during VBS. Drop your kids off for bible school and stay and hang out with us! Childcare will be provided for children who are not old enough to participate in VBS.
Internet Safety
Officer Natalie Payne
June 4
In this session Officer Payne will educate parents about the dangers of the internet and things that parents need to look for and guard against, sharing personal experiences from her career. She will introduce resources that parents can utilize to help our children safely navigate the virtual world.
Calm Down Corner- Make and Take
Maris Selski-Green
Stamping Ground Elementary Counselor
June 6
In this session you will have the opportunity to create a "calm down" bucket filled with coping tools for your child/family. You will learn easy and effective strategies on how to implement a "calm down corner" in your house, and you'll learn how to co-regulate with your child when they're feeling big emotions.